What is Child Find? And is it Different from FIT? We’ve Got You Covered!
One of the best parts of raising a child is watching them grow and change. From the first time they roll over to their first word to their first step, young children are developing and growing faster than they will at any other time in their lives. But with that excitement can come worry, especially if children don’t seem to be developing as quickly as others their same age.
First, remember that all children are different and they learn skills at different speeds. So, don’t spend a lot of time comparing your child to your cousin’s baby who potty trained before she could walk. But even though all children are different, it’s important to notice whether they are hitting their developmental milestones. These milestones represent key skills that every child needs to learn on their growing-up journey. And if you think your child might have a delay or challenge, don’t hesitate to get an expert involved!
Even if you aren’t sure whether your child needs some extra supports, it’s always better to get it checked out early. Developmental delays and challenges became more common during COVID-19, and services are more effective when they start earlier. And since screenings and services are FREE, there’s really no reason to wait. Getting screened now can help children get on track to reach their full potential.
Luckily, getting help from an expert is easy, because New Mexico has FREE expert screenings available for all families with questions about their young child’s growth. If you aren’t sure where to start, we’re here to walk you through the ins and outs of developmental screenings and special support services for children from birth until they enter kindergarten.
Family Infant Toddler Program (FIT)
If you have a child under age 3, FIT is the child development program for you! You might also hear this program called Early Intervention, or, if you’re fancy, IDEA Part C. Families who qualify for FIT receive FREE services from a team of experts that are personalized to meet their child’s needs. So, if your child is delayed in starting to speak, your team might include a speech therapist. Other specialists can help with movement, social skills, and other areas that are key milestones on the road to growing up. FIT specialists will provide services at a time and place that is convenient to you. This means they can happen in your home, in a child care setting, or even at a park.
If that kind of personalized support sounds good, you can get started by contacting a FIT provider in your area. Follow the links on ECECD’s FIT page to view their list of FIT providers by county, then contact a program that serves your county. You’ll explain your concern about your child’s development, and they’ll help you decide whether to schedule a free evaluation. Usually, an evaluation means that either two or three people will visit your home to ask questions and observe you and your child together. You know your child best, and your knowledge about their skills and behavior are a key part of the process. Read more on ECECD’s FIT page by clicking on Step 2: Evaluation. Or for a more personal touch, read here about Camila, whose daughter Isa saw big improvements in her speech and social skills after she started receiving FIT therapy.
Child Find
If your child is 3, 4, or 5 (but not yet in kindergarten), you’re in the right place. Child Find gets its name from a section of federal law, which says school districts can’t wait for kindergarten to start finding and supporting children who might have special needs. The districts have to start finding and supporting those children once they turn three. That’s great news, because services can do the most good in the early years, when children’s brains and behaviors are still growing and changing.
The kinds of FREE services you get through Child Find depend on what your child needs, and on what works for your family. Your child might receive therapy to help with movement, speech therapy, or might get connected with a PreK classroom. While PreK in New Mexico is open to all 3- and 4-year-olds, some PreK programs keep priority openings in specialized classrooms for children with special needs. Watch our interview with award-winning PreK inclusion teacher Tara Hughes here, to learn more about what learning through play in a PreK classroom is like (hint: there are bubbles and a space suit).
For Child Find, your first step is to contact the school district where you live. This list could get you started, or you can just search for Child Find and your school district. All districts have Child Find coordinators whose job is to help you through the process. They can help you schedule a screening, and the screening results will help determine what happens next.

Ready to start?
Visit these links for additional resources about FIT and Child Find, and request a screening today!